When you have a new website you should ensure that the URL of your website has a structure that improves its SEO significance. The best way to make your URL more SEO friendly is making use of the feature found in Apache called ‘modrewrite’.
One of the ways to get this done is to use articles to obtain guest blogging opportunities. However, Pinterest these opportunities are a lot like being published in the local papers. There are a lot of “no’s” and a person needs thick skin to find a person who will accept the author as a guest blogger. This is because any good will that the blog owner has generated is transferred to the other writer. This can seriously hurt the blog owner if the other person is not a stickler for quality at all. Therefore, there will always be a lot more “no’s” than “yes’s” when looking for publicity on the internet.
01. Keywords and Placement: Do research on what are the most appropriate keywords to describe your website’s goal. Once you have selected the most suitable keywords, you are several steps ahead in the passage of amplifying your website. After selecting the keywords set, you must conscious of putting the keywords right through all the features of the website. You should think more about the features such as titles of website, rich content, URLs. The suitable places to set the keywords are title tag, page header, and page footer.
SEO news #3. your Title Tag. The Title Tag is at the top of the page below your browser where the actual TAB of the page is at, like paper file tabs. You name your paper file tabs so you can know what is in them without opening the file. When you have multiple web pages open on a single browser having the Keyword in the title tag helps you to know which page is what. The search engines love this as well because they see it as knowing your seo better than the others.
There are 9 SEO strategies that are useless in today’s internet. Some of them have recently become obsolete and others have been obsolete for some time now.
Social Media Optimization – Get out of your “bubble” and meet others in this world. Developing a relationship with people that are of interest in the product or service you have to offer is a huge step towards increasing traffic and profits! People tend to feel more comfortable buying from someone they feel they can “trust” rather than someone they have never had any contact with before.
The second point is that the title of your site need not be stated on every web page. My web page titles are those of the page, not the site. The graphics are the same, but the title is the keyword that they page is optimized for. Why do otherwise? Yet 99.99% do (just a guess!). Then fourth of my SEO tips is related to the headings on each page. The main title of the page should be in H1 tags, and the heading in H2 tags. You don’t need any more, but any subheadings can go into H3 tags, but should contain text that could be construed as minor keywords.
Again, a blog is basically a diary that can be viewed in the World Wide Web and may be considered as your personal website. The contents that will be put there are up to you. From texts to photos to templates to designs to privacy settings. The good thing about blogs is that you have control over which content is going to be published and who are the only one who can view them. So it is like a diary made online but still, you have the privacy you covet which is inherent in a regular, traditional diary.